Concord250 Event: “Where We Belong” NEW ENGLAND PREMIERE

Umbrella Arts 40 Stow Street, Concord, MA, United States

Opens February 28, runs until March 23, 2025 Umbrella Arts, Black Box Theater By Madeline Sayet, Directed by Tara Moses   For REV 250 The Umbrella has programmed two events - a stage company production and an exhibit - to celebrate and amplify voices that have not historically been a part of the revolution story...which […]


CONCORD250: April 19, 2025 6:00am Dawn Salute 8:30am Parade Step Off 9:30am  Old North Bridge Ceremony 11:00am  Parade Ends Information on Afternoon Events to come Concord Museum: Free admission all day, including witness the brave Acton Minutemen company in an encampment outside the Museum as they drill with muskets to prepare for battle, cook over a […]