Looking Ahead to Summer: Building Resilience and Combating Social Atrophy

Concord, MA, United States

Center for Parents and Teachers presents: "Looking Ahead to Summer: Building Resilience and Combating Social Atrophy" on Thursday, June 3 at 7:30PM, presented by Dr. Rachel Kramer After months of wearing masks and practicing social distancing, many children and adults are noticing that their social skills have gotten rusty.  free webinar focused on: Building resilience; […]

Register now for free workshop: “How to Manage Stress in Uncertain Times”

Concord, MA, United States

The Center for Parents and Teachers announces a new and innovative offering on How to Manage Stress in Uncertain Times   Please find instructions below each workshop on how to register for individual sessions. Wish to attend all 4 sessions?  Please email cpt@concordps.org and type “Series on Managing Stress” in the subject line. We are […]

Register now for free workshop: “How to Manage Stress in Uncertain Times”

Concord, MA, United States

The Center for Parents and Teachers announces a new and innovative offering on How to Manage Stress in Uncertain Times   Please find instructions below each workshop on how to register for individual sessions. Wish to attend all 4 sessions?  Please email cpt@concordps.org and type “Series on Managing Stress” in the subject line. We are […]

Free workshop: “How to Manage Stress in Uncertain Times”

Concord, MA, United States

The Center for Parents and Teachers announces a new and innovative offering on How to Manage Stress in Uncertain Times   Please find instructions below each workshop on how to register for individual sessions. Wish to attend all 4 sessions?  Please email cpt@concordps.org and type “Series on Managing Stress” in the subject line. We are […]

Free workshop: “How to Manage Stress in Uncertain Times”

Concord, MA, United States

The Center for Parents and Teachers announces a new and innovative offering on How to Manage Stress in Uncertain Times   Please find instructions below each workshop on how to register for individual sessions. Wish to attend all all sessions?  Please email cpt@concordps.org and type “Series on Managing Stress” in the subject line. We are […]

Free workshop: “How to Manage Stress in Uncertain Times”

Concord, MA, United States

The Center for Parents and Teachers announces a new and innovative offering on How to Manage Stress in Uncertain Times   Please find instructions below each workshop on how to register for individual sessions. Wish to attend all all sessions?  Please email cpt@concordps.org and type “Series on Managing Stress” in the subject line. We are […]

“They Just Won’t Listen to Me!”:  A Two-Session Parenting Program

Concord, MA, United States

"They Just Won't Listen to Me!":  A Two-Session Parenting Program presented online by Kathy Whitham, R.N. Free and open to parents with children of any age.  Pre-registration required by emailing cpt@concordps.org and typing "Two-Session Series" in the subject line. Held online Wednesdays Nov 3 and 10 at 7:00 PM In this webinar, you’ll learn about the concept of […]

Free workshop: “How to Manage Stress in Uncertain Times”

Concord, MA, United States

The Center for Parents and Teachers announces a new and innovative offering on How to Manage Stress in Uncertain Times Please find instructions below each workshop on how to register for individual sessions. We are happy to announce that due to a generous grant, these programs are being offered free of charge! About the offerings:  […]

“They Just Won’t Listen to Me!”:  A Two-Session Parenting Program

Concord, MA, United States

"They Just Won't Listen to Me!":  A Two-Session Parenting Program presented online by Kathy Whitham, R.N. Free and open to parents with children of any age.  Pre-registration required by emailing cpt@concordps.org and typing "Two-Session Series" in the subject line. Held online Wednesdays Nov 3 and 10 at 7:00 PM In this webinar, you’ll learn about the concept of […]

Parent Ed program on “Fentanyl—Not Just the Next Wave of the Opioid Crisis—The Next Tsunami!”

Concord, MA, United States

Presented online Tuesday evening Nov 16 at 7:30 PM.  Please pre-register for this free program by emailing cpt@concordps.org and typing “Scott Lukas” in the subject line. We will then send you the link.   About our presenter Scott E. Lukas, Ph.D.  Dr. Lukas joined McLean Hospital in 1984 and is currently the Director of the […]