The Concord-Carlisle Community Chest announces the availability of grant funds to local businesses.
The Community Chest has partnered with Concord Together to create the Concord Together Business Fund. These funds will go directly to help small businesses with urgent needs in light of the COVID-19 crisis. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Concord Together is a collaboration led by local landlords and business owners to curate and focus town-wide efforts to protect, promote, and preserve our vital small business community. We aim to support vulnerable small businesses through the COVID-19 crisis with meaningful action – providing financial grants, offering marketing tools and ideas, linking out to a range of resources, and by encouraging town-wide patronage and support of the shops, restaurants, and tourist destinations that are such a key part of our cultural heritage.
ALL ideas, volunteers, and skill sets are warmly welcome. We created this initiative on the foundation of a central idea – together we are stronger. Concord, Together.
For more information contact:
Sharon Spaulding, Spaulding Management LLC, ses@spauldingco.com
John Boynton, Bradford Street LLC, jb@bradfordmill.com
Jane Obbagy, Concord Chamber of Commerce, director@concordchamberofcommerce.org
Jennifer Schunemann, Discover Concord, jen.schunemann@gmail.com