Concord Land Conservation Trust

The Concord Land Conservation Trust (CLCT) is a private, non-profit, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization devoted to the preservation of open land in the Town of Concord. Founded in 1959, CLCT has seven trustees and over 650 member families. CLCT seeks to conserve the natural resources of Concord and the town’s traditional landscape of woods, meadows, and fields.

Since its inception, CLCT has acquired through gift or purchase over 900 acres and holds conservation restrictions on an additional 265 acres. All of this land will be protected from development and remain in its natural state forever; once a property or a conservation restriction on a property is acquired by CLCT, it is never relinquished. An affiliate, the Concord Open Land Foundation (COLF), was founded in 1988 to engage in conservation transactions where the land acquired, or a portion of it, may be subsequently sold or swapped.

Feel Good Friday

It’s been a tough week, so many unknowns and so much bad news pouring in  – it’s difficult not to get overwhelmed by it.

So, we’d like to fill your head with some good highlights from the past week. Our community is strong and coming together to answer immediate needs, helping  each other and proving to be creative problem solvers.

Thank you to Emerson Hospital employees for your dedication & hard work. We are grateful to all of you!

Christine Schuster, President & Ceo of Emerson Hospital sent this today:

Our team is working around the clock to manage this unprecedented challenge. They are navigating this situation with careful planning and a relentless commitment to our community. 

Our Emerson Hospital Heroes – nurses, doctors, respiratory therapists, environmental services, and all staff have stepped up in every way. They confront the COVID‑19 pandemic each day, worried about the future, the health of their patients, their families, and themselves.

In order to continue to fight this battle we need critical equipment and supplies. Your support has never been more important and will save lives!

Keep our Emerson Hospital Heroes and community safe. Your donation in any amount will help Emerson to:
• Acquire additional respiratory equipment
• Obtain medical-grade personal protective gear
• Outfit areas of our hospital to increase patient capacity
• Support our financial stability while elective procedures and treatments have been postponed in order to keep patients safe.

With your support, we can focus our energy on caring for our community. We will emerge from this crisis much stronger together.

Thank you for your support!


Thank you to the volunteers who answered the call for homemade masks and starting sewing! A number of Concord & Carlisle residents have been busy gathering supplies, cutting material and sewing masks for Emerson Hospital and other medical facilities in the area.

Thank you to Open Table and those who have donated time and food to make this an even more valuable resource in our community. They are continuing to accept donations at their bins at Crosby’s Market behind the 105 Everett Street building.

Thank you to the Concord-Carlisle Community Chest for working hard to rally support and donations for the W.I.N. Fund (When in Need Fund) with The Driveway Project.

Kate Eden Renyi Photography is launching #thedrivewayproject in hopes to raise local support within the Concord and Carlisle communities during the COVID-19 crisis.

Donate a minimum of $50 to the Concord-Carlisle Community Chest’s WIN (When In Need) Fund – please designate The Driveway Project (WIN Fund) – that helps Concord and Carlisle individuals and families with unexpected or emergency expenses, and Kate will show up at your driveway and take a professional lifestyle photograph documenting this unique time. Thinking outside the box and social distancing attire encouraged!

Thank you to Superintendent Dr. Laurie  Hunter and staff / administration who have been excellent communicators and working hard to bring classrooms online, keeping our kids stimulated and connected while keeping parents well informed.

Thank you to our local merchants for finding creative ways to sell and deliver your goods / services!

Here is the Friday promotion that Farfalle Market, Copper Penny Flowers, Revolutionary Concord and Concord Teacakes offered for a Fun Family Friday. The package included pasta dinner and garlic bread from Farfalle, cupcakes form Concord Teacakes, a fun puzzle from Revolutionary Concord and a gorgeous arrangement from Copper Penny Flowers.

Be sure to see what other local merchants & restaurants / cafes are doing with take out options, curbside pickups and deliveries.

Thank you to ThinkGive for launching the Community Challenge – sign up now!

Thank you to The Center for Parents and Teachers for moving important speaker events online so we can call be informed and get access to these wonderful speakers.

Thanks for tuning in to LivingConcordour new weekly podcast, reading our newsletters, liking posts, following us on social media and sending us important information that we can share with the community.


Be well.






The ThinkGive Community Challenge is starting soon!

ThinkGive Community Challenge!
Fill your month of April with fearless positivity! Join our Community Challenge and commit to give kindness and compassion to yourself and others. Parents, this is great activity to do at home with your kids. All ages, families, and individuals welcome. Together we can build an inspiring community and help fuel the well-being of ourselves, our families, our communities, and the world!

Sign Up here by April 1st:

Living Concord’s First Podcast Goes Live!

Living Concord Podcast
Audio Player

We launched our first Living Concord Podcast this past Monday, March 23rd. Our co-founder Polly Meyer was the first guest speaker. Two students from Concord hosted the show, each from his own home!

Topic: Parenting During COVID-19 – Questions and Concerns About Social Development

The Center for Parents and Teachers invites you to a Zoom webinar presented by  Rachel Kramer, Ph.D. 

When: Mar 25, 2020 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Parenting During COVID-19 – Questions and Concerns About Social Development

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Password: 983090


What is The Driveway Project?

The Driveway Project

Kate Eden Renyi Photography is launching #thedrivewayproject in hopes to raise local support within the Concord and Carlisle communities during the COVID-19 crisis.

Donate a minimum of $50 to the Concord-Carlisle Community Chest’s WIN (When In Need) Fund that helps Concord and Carlisle individuals and families with unexpected or emergency expenses, and Kate will show up at your driveway and take a professional lifestyle photograph documenting this unique time. Thinking outside the box and social distancing attire encouraged!

All proceeds go directly to the Concord-Carlisle Community Chest. After donating, please send an email to to schedule. Please note Kate will only stand on your driveway and be a minimum of ten feet away from subjects at all times. Each session lasts a maximum of ten minutes and 1-2 high resolution jpegs will be emailed directly to the donator.

Follow @CC_thedrivewayproject on Instagram and Facebook

Kate Eden Renyi Photography

Hunkering down at home ….

It’s Monday … Let’s start off the week with a list of terrific resources…

Some of our readers shared some of these. Keep sending suggestions to us!

Stay Active + Wellness

Food + Cooking

Get Creative!



Stay home and be well!


How you can help – Face Masks Needed

Due to the possibility of a shortage of face masks, Emerson Hospital needs the support of its community to sew and provide appropriate masks so medical personnel are protected while they treat patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This link provides step-by-step instructions on how to make the mask approved by Emerson Hospital

Additionally, please follow these instructions:
Use two-ply, good quality, tightly woven cotton fabric.
Elastic should be sturdy enough to tolerate multiple laundering.

Delivery Instructions:
Bring to Emerson Hospital’s main entrance and leave your items at the front desk.

If you have any questions, please contact the Auxiliary of Emerson Hospital at

Thank you for your generosity and support during this unprecedented time.

concord market 5

Concord Restaurants, Cafes & Speciality Food Shops – see some great options

The local restaurants, speciality food shops and cafes are busy working to find ways to bring you their delicious food / beverages to you. Here are just a few of the many wonderful options. All you need to do is place the order & pickup. Give yourself a break from grocery shopping, meal prep and dishes, while supporting our local businesses.

Concord Market & Trails End are offering take out menus, cooking activity packages and much more:


Cooking With The Kids!!!

Trail’s End Café is offering cooking activity packages to keep your kiddos entertained. Available for curbside pickup or delivery with a purchase of take-out meals. Tuesday March 21st through Sunday March 29th we will be featuring $13 build your own pizza & $12 make your own Rice Crispy treat packages. Call us to order 978-610-6633 Available 11am-8pm Tuesday-Sunday

More creative kits will be featured in the coming weeks! Feel free to offer your suggestions.

Missing your special latte or amazing scones? You can still get them, curbside @ Haute Coffee!


How about one of The Cheese Shop’s special sandwiches or surprise your family with a specialty cheese plate? Call and order some for picnic outing this weekend:



We’ll posting about other businesses each day…. Stay tuned and be well.

What’s happening out there?

Hello and TGIF. We just completed first week of CQ (COVID-19 Quarantine). What a week it has been…

Please send any news to us regarding urgent needs in our community or helpful info.

Please consider helping:

  1. The Community Chest When In Need Fund    The Concord-Carlisle Community Chest is an organization built on  the concept of neighbors helping neighbors. In times of stability and times of challenge in our community, the Community Chest is a stable of resources and support to dozens of organizations, and thousands of individuals who struggle to live fully in our communities.  However, in many circumstances our neighbors are at critical risk.  The WIN (When in Need) Fund helps Concord and Carlisle individuals and families with unexpected or emergency expenses to aid them in getting through a challenging time. The Community Chest works closely with the Community Outreach Coordinator, Concord Council on Aging, Carlisle Council on Aging, and other community agencies on case referral. In response to the COVID-19 crisis the  Community Chest has expanded our emergency support to address the short and long-term implications of those impacted by the COVID-19 situation.  Please consider donating in this extreme time of need.
  2. Emerson Hospital Emergency Relief Fund  – You can have the greatest impact by donating to the Emerson Hospital Emergency Relief Fund. Please consider making a donation to help us support the community.

  3. Open Table  – Please read how you can help.

Be creative – make pictures and add cheer to Assisted Living facilities in the area:

Connect with friends & family – near & far.

We had family chat last night with groups in San Francisco, Colorado, Connecticut, Maine and Massachusetts.

Tell us your favorite platforms – Zoom? Google Hangout? Discord? FB Group Chat?

Stock up (but don’t hoard)

News around town today –

Debra’s is well stocked and even as toilet paper! Trader Joes has implemented a civilized system for shoppers – people line up outside (10 feet apart – see photo) and are let in to the store as other shoppers exit. As you enter Trader Joes, an employee uses sanitizer to wipe down a cart for you. They seem to be restocking as people come through to shop. We hear most restaurants / cafes / food stores are open for take out and they are taking measures to avoid any transfer of germs. Please support local businesses when you can.

Weekend plans? Which room of the house?

Share any tips / suggestions / info!

Be well.